***EVOCATION APPLICATION FORM*** Please fill out the form completely so as to avoid delays in the shipment of your game. If possible, also indicate a fax number maybe of your office or a friend of yours. The undersigned ______________________ wants to receive the complete version of the "Evocation •The Final Challenge" video game at the following address: Name and Surname ______________________________________ Address ______________________________________ _______ ________________________ ____ Country _______________________ Telephone _______________________ Fax _______________________ I will pay the sum of $20, inclusive of the shipping charges, for delivery by air mail (so as to reduce your waiting times), through [ ] Credit Card nr. _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ (the credit card must belong to the group VISA/MASTERCARD/EUROCARD) Expiry date ____/____ Belonging to ________________________________ Born on ____ /____/________ [ ] The sum of $20 enclosed with this Form. Date _____________________ Signature _____________________ DEDALOMEDIA SOFTWARE ENGINEERING VIA DON GIUSEPPE LAGO, 52 • 35013 CITTADELLA LOC. LAGHI (PD) • ITALY TELEPHONE +39.49.9422115 • FAX +39.49.9422099 APPLELINK ITA0749•INTERNET ITA0784@APPLELINK.APPLE.COM